About Us

The Hindi word 'Upasana' means 'sitting near'. Every living being on earth goes to his relatives, friends etc. throughout his life, but no one calls it worship. While this is worship only. Formed from the same words 'HELPUPASANA FOUNDATION' (known as HELP UPASANA) is a Section 8 Company licensed non-profit organization started in April 2023. Who is authorized to work anywhere in the country. We promote arts, science, education and sports as well as other human values with our mission Old Age Home.

Give Donation

No one has ever become poor from giving.

Become a Volunteer

Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.

Give Scholarship

Getting this scholarship means the absolute world to me.


Education to every child
Donation Goal : $9845
Make life easier for them
Donation Goal : $9845
Dedicating to helping kids
Donation Goal : $9845
Clean water for people
Donation Goal : $9845

Education Is Essential For

Primary education is the basic right of every child.Ensuring its availability is the sole responsibility of state, parents & society. As a first step in the creation of welfare and just society, universal primary education is an absolute pre-requisite for sustainable development.


“The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others life.” — Richard Bach